Friday, February 15, 2008

I must be getting old because...

Top 10, now 12... reasons why I must be getting OLD!! (I was reminded of additional quirks today... these are in no particular order)...  

1. Renting a movie and playing Scrabble with my parents is an enjoyable Friday night for me.
2. I read the nutrition labels, unit costs, and lists of ingredients on nearly every item I purchase at the grocery store.
3. No, I don't wish Zac Efron was my boyfriend... even though I gotta give it to him, he was pretty outstanding in High School Musical.
4. Webkinz are kind of like Beanie Babies if you didn't already know...and you must spell Webkinz with a 'z' and NOT a 's'. These are facts I had to learn the hard way from 8-year-olds...
5. My friends... shoot, who am I kidding...even the 3rd graders comment on my wide variety of solid colored turtlenecks. 
6. No, I don't know what "FOFL" stands for ('falling on the floor laughing' apparently?)... "LOL" is really as far as I go... 
7. I'm far more concerned about cars' fuel efficiency and consumer reports than their "hot"appearance. It's what's on the inside that counts... Hondas for life, FO SHO! ha. 
8. I find it absolutely ridiculous to spend more than 30 dollars on a shirt... Come on people, sale racks, TJ Maxx, Target! You have options here!
9. I want to be able to understand the lyrics in the music that I listen to... and for goodness sake, I don't want YOUR music to vibrate MY car. Turn that ish down!
10. Why is it that some clothing stores put posters of nearly naked guys and girls in their window displays? I'll tell you why, because even their models can't bring themselves to blow 100 bucks on a shredded pair of jeans and little piece of cloth they like to call a shirt... Also, please turn down your music, turn up your lights, and it is completely unnecessary and wasteful to spray gallons of your new signature scent "hottie" all over the store...  (sorry, I got a little carried away on that one). 
**Side note: I have absolutely nothing against the fashion industry... I actually used to work at Express for a few years as a side job. I probably didn't make a dime, but I got great discounts on clothes, and it was probably the 2nd most fun job I've ever had (lifeguarding being the 1st)...not to mention I learned to fold shirts and pants like nobody's business...a talent that has served me well throughout the years:)

11. Just to give you a heads up, I'll probably correct your grammar and spelling... 

LAST BUT NOT LEAST, 12. I encourage others to take their daily multivitamins and I give herbal supplement recommendations from my oh so captivating book on alternative medicine and remedies... don't laugh, I'm being totally serious... multivitamins and herbs are the key to health and happiness... well, okay, maybe just the 1st one... :)

DISCLAIMER: This was pretty much a joke, I'm not QUITE this lame. Well, okay, I half way am... but hey, I still love a good party and will challenge you at Guitar Hero any time, any place... well, just as long as it's before 9:00 p.m. (I'm in the working world now...;)

1 comment:

swishthedish said...

bethany, i've seen your room. There's clothes thrown all over the place.

We all know you don't fold...