Saturday, February 2, 2008


Somewhere along the line I think we've (myself included) missed the point of what it means to be a truly transformed follower of Christ... Recently I've read and keep going back to a few books that are really changing the way I think about life and Christianity (Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne and Everybody Wants to Change the World:Practical Ideas for Social Justice by Tony Campolo). Both of these books have been kind of uncomfortable reads, but have really opened my eyes, challenged me, and helped me to gain fresh perspective on world issues and the type of Christianity that transforms us from the inside out and impacts others... 

Western societies, the U.S. in particular, has become so obsessed with ourselves- comfort, money, power, entertainment, me, Me, ME, more, More, MORE... Sadly, it's often the same story with so many Christians (again, myself included) and churches as well... We attempt to lure people into our churches and "hook" them with our comfortable and engaging productions, programs, sound systems, lights, big screens, coffee bars, etc... while their souls might remain lonely, broken, and starving... meanwhile people in the very same community and around the world are dying because they don't have food, water, or a place to live..."As many as 40,000 people die from poverty-related circumstances everyday. As many as 6 million children die every  year from hunger. And in the United States alone, 13 million children are said to be living in hunger."... how heart-breaking... I mean, we could go round and round about how wealthy churches choose to spend their money... and don't get me wrong, there are certainly many amazing churches that have been financially blessed and using their resources to further the Kingdom and transform lives...  I don't really know the healthy balance... Ultimately though, I need to be asking myself what I am doing with my time, money, and resources?...How am I being Jesus's hands and feet to people?

Although popular lines say "live for THAT day, not THIS day" and "be in the world, but not OF the world"...God has placed us right here, right now for a reason and we are called to be difference makers for Jesus... to get out of our cushy lifestyles, stop thinking about ourselves, take some risks, and love and show compassion to people that desperately need Him... 
Matthew 25:40 says "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey good word! Really. I'm not just saying that because my boss is having me search for people who've blogged about Shane and his book so I can tell them about Another World is Possible (which he obviously has, and there, I did it).

I've read about a million reviews/reflections on Shaner's book, and I like the way your mind is taking it all in. Not that it matter what I think. It doesn't. Check out the afore referred to site. Some videos made by Shane and Jamie Moffett, co-founders of the Simple Way.

So you know that this isn't a canned message, I'll post it as myself instead of as "Another World is Possible". How's that?